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Sponsors | Memory Project


Please support the work of the Memory Project! The cost of one Memory Project interview – on average: $1,500 – $2,000 (USD)

Immediate or Legacy Donations:

Please support the work of the Memory Project!

We will publish the names of individuals donors on our social media as well as the MP website (or the donation can be anonymous):

Gold sponsor: $10,000
Silver sponsor: $5,000
Bronze sponsor: $1,500

The donations will go to the US nonprofit (501c3) foundation that runs the Memory Project: The Central EU California Cultural Institute.
ALL funds go to the Memory Project’s work.

For further information, please contact us at: hungarianmemoryproject@gmail.com

“The survivors gave us their testimonies so that we would tell the world and educate future generations twenty, fifty, a hundred years from now and beyond.
The testimonies go beyond what you can find in a book, beyond what you can see on a blackboard, beyond what you can type on a tablet.”
—Stephen Smith, executive director USC Shoah Foundation

We are grateful for the many people and organizations who have helped sponsor Memory Project. We’ve received grants from The Hungary Foundation, Magyar Foundation, Gabor Bethlen Foundation and Hungary’s 1956 Commemoration Fund. In addition, we had a successful crowdfunding campaign within the Hungarian American community.

Thank you one and all.

Thank you to our generous donors (2015 – 2018)

Edith & John Lauer
Hungarian American Coalition
Hungarian American Federation
Katalin Kadar Lynn
Dr. Jenny Graselli Brown
Jon Csillag
András Mattyasovsky Zsolnay

Hanna & Jim Bartlett
Steve Kaloz
Minnesota Hungarians
Katalin Voros
George H. Walker
Philip Aronoff
Laura Balser
Dr. Peter Forgach
Nora Szabo
The Szekeres Family
Dr. Agnes Virga
